The Words of a Brother

My brother called me this evening. We usually talk about work, the family, how many bass he caught last weekend and what the kids are up to, then we don’t usually have much else. He’s a brother of few words. I just saw him last week in Minnesota, so we were all caught up, or so I thought. But he called for a reason.

Today he ran into someone who explained in detail a Tibetan Buddhism class he had taken. It was taught by a Nepali guy. I haven’t heard my little brother so intrigued in a subject since he called to tell me his daughter was born. He spent a half hour asking about Nepal, the people, the culture, the religion, and about my photos from the trip, some of which I showed him just a few days ago. Then he made me cry.

“This used to be a hobby for you and I never understood it. You know, you can take pictures anywhere, so I just thought you were looking for a good excuse to take pictures… but after talking to this guy, I get it. I totally get it…. This is your mission, isn’t it? I appreciate the things you are sharing through your photos…. I want to thank you for doing what you are doing… you’re making a difference and I am proud of you.”

Yes, people have been surprised, or impressed, or awed by all this before and I always appreciate hearing about it. Some have gone on and on and made me feel really good, but that set of words, just that small, simple set was pure gold. Thanks bro.

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