From Plans to Photos

I was going to write this post about trash cleanup volunteering in Tapting. I am excited to get into that part, but so much needs to happen face to face that planning is not moving forward right at this moment and there is not a lot to tell, so I’ll show the impetus instead. 
Here are a couple images that demonstrate why I want to be involved with the refuse handling in this area. Keep in mind there are not roads that carry wheels. There are no public trash cans on the street like we have, and no public employees to remove it, anyway. Tapting is a two day walk from the nearest airport. (click each photo to see it bigger)
Overlooking a creek from a bridge in Salleri
A little boy plays with the water pipe in his back yard

One Comment on “From Plans to Photos

  1. It will be a very interesting and challenging trip. I’m looking forward to hearing and seeing what you learn from this and them from you.