The Force of Music

I have a story about this song. I have stories about lots of songs, because that’s the nature of music. At least for me. It brings memories, ideas, feelings and so much more. This one came to mind today when Mingma posted the newly completed video on his Facebook page. He is one of the musicians I traveled with on my first trip to Nepal.


He is so at home with a guitar. Often, during the month we traveled together, I would find him strumming in a corner, on a patio, in a common room of lodges along our way. Even when it was 40 degrees inside, his fingers worked the strings. I remember when he first explained the words of this song: He stopped strumming long enough to say humbly, “This is a song about the youth today. About how it is our turn to build and take the next step and make the world better… a beautiful place,” Then he crooned heartfelt words to gently plucking fingers. That night on stage he played it again and the audience fell silent listening to the poignant words. The song wasn’t yet recorded when we toured in 2011, but the message was ready to be shared.




It could very easily have been a rally and fight song. If it was American, that’s probably what it would have been. But Nepalis are devoutly communal; this song is about taking care of the less fortunate. About being strong and courageous enough, confident enough in yourself to reach out and do that. Today his words that accompany the post of this video say:

Namaste everyone… from this song and video by Cvds Nepal, children and disabled society is getting supporting helping hands day by day. Jaya (raising up) humanity and yes, you all are a living god.

The last line is precious: you are all (each) a living god. It probably doesn’t even matter that you (or I) understand the lyrics as they’re sung. The visual is strong enough.
